IT 기술73 [cka] Image Security 1. What secret type must we choose for docker registry?root@controlplane ~ ➜ k create secret --helpCreate a secret with specified type. A docker-registry type secret is for accessing a container registry. A generic type secret indicate an Opaque secret type. A tls type secret holds TLS certificate and its associated key.Available Commands: docker-registry Create a secret for use with a Docke.. 2024. 7. 28. [cka] Service Accounts 1. How many Service Accounts exist in the default namespace?controlplane ~ ➜ k get serviceaccounts NAME SECRETS AGEdefault 0 12mdev 0 31s answer : 2 2. What is the secret token used by the default service account?controlplane ~ ➜ kubectl describe serviceaccount defaultName: defaultNamespace: defaultLabels: Annotations: .. 2024. 7. 28. [cka] Cluster Roles 1. For the first few questions of this lab, you would have to inspect the existing ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings that have been created in this cluster. 2. How many ClusterRoles do you see defined in the cluster?controlplane ~ ➜ k get clusterrole --no-headers | wc -l72 answer : 72 3. How many ClusterRoleBindings exist on the cluster?controlplane ~ ➜ k get clusterrolebindings --no-heade.. 2024. 7. 28. [cka] Role Based Access Controls 1. Inspect the environment and identify the authorization modes configured on the cluster. Check the kube-apiserver settings. controlplane ~ ➜ k describe pod -n kube-system kube-apiserver | grep author --authorization-mode=Node,RBAC answer : Node,RBAC 2. How many roles exist in the default namespace?controlplane ~ ➜ k get roleNo resources found in default namespace. answer : 0 3. How many.. 2024. 7. 19. [cka] KubeConfig 1. Where is the default kubeconfig file located in the current environment?Find the current home directory by looking at the HOME environment variable.controlplane ~ ➜ ls -a. .bashrc .config .profile .vim.. .cache .kube sample.yaml .vimrc.bash_profile CKA my-kube-config .ssh .wget-hstscontrolplane ~ ➜ ls -a ./.kube/config ./.kub.. 2024. 7. 19. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ··· 15 다음 반응형